Thursday, 15 January 2009

NYC Church Plans Rare Full Bell Peal for Obama|
Bell ringers Tony Furnivall, left, and Jeremy Bates, demonstrate how to ring the bells at Trinity Church in New York, Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2009. Each of the ropes hanging from the ceiling leads upwards to one of twelve different bells. ...
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(Photo caption: Bell ringers Tony Furnivall, left, and Jeremy Bates, demonstrate how to ring the bells at Trinity Church in New York, Tuesday. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig). » No Comments. There are no comments up to now. » Post Comment ...
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NYC church plans rare bell ringing for Obama
NYC church plans rare bell ringing for Obama, NEW YORK - Barack Obama and his message of change will get a ringingendorsement on Inauguration Day from 12 bells at a church near ground zero. | offbeat -

Ring the bells - UK
The practice of bell ringing, or Campanology, dates back to medieval times when the town bell was rung in the case of a fire or an impending attack. ...

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