Friday, 28 February 2014

Bell tale that chimes with dying art and new ap-peal
Apparently it all starts with "rounds", ringing bells down the musical scale, then you alter the order of ringing with the changes being called out. But the ...

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Times Colonist
Man rescued after heart attack in Christ Church bell tower
Victoria firefighters responded to a call of a man in distress in the Christ Church Cathedral belltower on Tuesday. Photograph by: LYLE STAFFORD, ...

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Hunts Post
Eynesbury man steps down after 50 years as lead bell-ringer at St Neots church
Life may have changed in the last five decades since George Bonham was a 13-year-old choirboy, but one thing has stood the test of time – his love of ...

Friday, 21 February 2014

Bell Bottoms for the Bell Tower
A FORMER Evesham disc jockey is hoping his vinyl comeback will raise funds to repair his village church bell tower. David Smith, who is now a parish ...

Ancient Saltash church in danger of collapsing after storm damage
church's 15th century tower in Saltash is in danger of collapsing after it ... St Stephen-by-Saltash has had flooding problems to the BellTower for ...

Wells bells quiet for maintenance
Brian Livings, who is in charge of the Wells Amateur Bell RingingSociety, said: “Each clapper weighs between 20 and 40 lbs and as the majority of the ...

Thursday, 20 February 2014

No bell ringing as storm weakened stonework falls off Truro Cathedral (From Falmouth Packet)
Part of Truro Cathedral's grounds have been cordoned off after a lumps of stonework fell and hit the pavement below.

This is The West Country
No bell ringing as storm weakened stonework falls off Truro Cathedral
A cathedral spokesman has confirmed that bell ringing has been suspended, for a few weeks, until repairs are made, over concerns about vibrations.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Bellringing cancelled after masonry fell 100ft from storm-damaged Truro Cathedral | This is Cornwall
Bellringing has been halted at Truro Cathedral after masonry was brought down by storms. Cathedral Green has been closed off for fear of more ...

BBC News
Bellringing cancelled after masonry fell 100ft from storm-damaged Truro Cathedral
The bells of Truro Cathedral will not ring until the problem has been rectified because of any further damage the vibrations might cause. Scaffolding ...

Bells will ring at dusk across Australia
William and Gary Norton ringing the Peace Bell in Cowra. The PeaceBell is tipped as being the centre of ceremonies to mark the centenary of World ...

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

The Mathematics of Change Ringing and Peal Bells - Scientific American
Change ringing, in which a band of ringers plays long sequences of permutations on a set of peal bells, is a little-known but surprisingly 

Your article: Pocklington church rings in towering refurbishments
The Church Bells in Pocklington will be silent for about six weeks from mid-March to mid-April. The last time any major maintenance was done on the ...

Northamptonshire Telegraph
Funding boost for Higham church bells project
church in Higham Ferrers has received a £29,000 funding boost from SITA Trust to enable the restoration of the bells in St Mary'sChurch. After four ...

Louth Leader
Man in stable condition after rescue from St James' Church tower
The bell-ringer, who has been named locally as Norman Abel, collapsed in the bell tower shortly after the 10.30am communion service got underway ...

Monday, 17 February 2014

Watford Observer
Senior citizens club helps raise cash for bell restoration fund
Hand bells rang out a merry tune at the meeting of the St James Senior Citizens Club last week to raise £500 to restore the bells at St JamesParish ...

Grimsby Telegraph
UPDATE: Louth bell ringer, 83, recovering in hospital after falling ill inbell tower of St James' Church
THE 83-YEAR-OLD bell ringer rescued 100ft up in the bell tower of St James' Church, Louth, after falling ill is recovering in hospital today.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Maidenhead Advertiser
Bells ring again thanks to trust cash
The bells from its 150-year-old clock tower can be heard around the neighbourhood as a team of bell ringers call residents to worship. However, that ...

Sydney Morning Herald
World Peace Bell to be rung at WWI centenary commemorations
Bells will ring at dusk across NSW and Australia to mark the centenary of World War I on August 4. The focal point of the ''sombre and respectful'' ...

Friday, 14 February 2014

Bell Ringer: Old Profession In Modern Time | English Russia
English Russia  team
Profession of a church bell ringer has been existing for a thousand of years, though today it is quite rare. When we think about it we often imagine a ...

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Bell ringers reach half way point for restoration funds
Sue Morton and the bells ringers at St James' Church have raised £30,000 out of the £80,000 needed to restore the eight bells, two of which date back ...

Monday, 10 February 2014

Century-old mystery of missing bell solved 
Campanologists have unravelled the mystery of a missing church bell thought to have been melted down in a ding-dong over a royal wedding.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Leamington Courier
Kineton's Sport Relief efforts to be on TV
Kineton High School pupils trying their hand at bell-ringing for the Sport Relief event. Published on the 08 February 2014 10:00. Published 08/02/2014 ...

Timaru Herald
Cathedral bells near completion
BELLS MAKE NEWS: Lois Chappell of Timaru holds a clipping from a ... The mould was cast at John Taylor & Co The Bell Foundry in the English ...

Walsall Advertiser
St Matthew's Church fundraising drive will go up a few decibels this weekend
Ring the bell – residents will get exclusive access to St Matthew's Church's ringing chamber when members host fund-raising tours this weekend.

Friday, 7 February 2014

New Cromer Church bells are cast
An appeal was launched to restore them, and to add two new lighter bells. The bell ringers supported by the church family spent 2013 in a concerted ...

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Plymstock man has been bell-ringing since the Second World War
BELL-RINGER who was taught the skill by his father during the Second World War is still ringing today. Raymond Treeby, 80, from Plymstock, ...

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Bell rope stolen from St Andrew's Church at Todber
Churchwarden Gordon Spicer was left disappointed and puzzled after vandals stole a bell rope from St Andrew's in Todber. The damaged was ...

Plymouth Herald
Good to see so many old faces I knew
This is the Plymstock Church bell ringers, a very good team who entered and did well at many competitions. Unfortunately I do not know what this ...

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Bell ringing appeals to Jesmond residents  
JesmondLocal meets the head of a bell-ringing team who has been pealing for half a century.
I'm the only one still ringing the bells
Plymouth Herald - The tower was then a six bell tower (now made up to an eight bell peal) and ... Out of all those pictured I am the only one still ringing at St. Mary's, ...

Monday, 3 February 2014

Dorset Echo
CD launched to help restore church bells
Dorset Echo - Two songs recorded by youngsters to support their village's church bell restoration fund have gone on sale. Their fundraising effort has also been ...