Monday, 31 December 2012

Successful full peal to mark occasion lasted three hours with 5040 changes
Bradford Telegraph and Argus
By Jo Winrow, City Hall Reporter. The bell ringers of St Oswald's Church in Guiseley, Jeffrey Cooper, Jane Lynch, Catherine Oram, Lorraine Trebble, Barrie Dove, Neil Murray, Chris Bostock and Alan Trebble. The bell ringers of St Oswald's Church in ...
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Beccles bells ring out again after work is completed
Norfolk Eastern Daily Press
It was decided that the bell would be recast rather than repaired, and was sent to Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London, where all of the work was completed.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Meet the family roped in by the pull of bell ringing
This is Cornwall
We all have to-do lists as long as our arms over the festive season but as well as the usual merry-go-round of cooking, celebrating and present-wrapping, Sarah Peck will also have to find time to fit in a few bell-ringing sessions. She won't be doing ...
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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Ding dong merrily as the art of bell ringing makes a comeback
STV Local
The next time you step up to ring a doorbell, stop and think about what a marvellous little piece of history is about to be pushed under your finger. In medieval times, small forged bells would be baptized and hung in doorways to protect homes from the ...
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Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Bell toll rings in new training technology
ABC Online
Updated December 26, 2012 08:57:00. Christmas is a particularly demanding time for the Adelaide Bellringers, who have fewer than half the members needed to keep up with bellringing demands in the city of churches. To encourage new members they've ...

Friday, 21 December 2012

Old North Church to Ring Her Historic Bells in Memory of Those Who Died in ...
Old North Church in Boston will join with churches around the country and ringtheir bells at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, December 21 in memory of those who died last Friday in Newtown, Connecticut. Connecticut Governor Daniel Malloy called forbells to ring ...
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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Abandoned Imber church to ring bells on Christmas Day
BBC News
Church bells in a deserted Wiltshire village will ring on Christmas Day for the first time in more than 70 years. The Army took over Imber on Salisbury Plain during World War II to use the area for training. Local residents were made to move out and ...
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Saturday, 15 December 2012

Bells will be ringing out to mark a milestone
Chesham Examiner
A CHURCH has been ringing the same bells for 200 years and, to celebrate, bell ringers will be getting together at the weekend to take part in a rare peal to mark the occasion. The bells at St Mary's Church, in Church Street, Chesham, turned 200 years...
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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Refurbished church bells set to get a ringing endorsement
Bundaberg News Mail
"The restoration work was carried out at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London where they were originally manufactured for Edgar Aldridge.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Refurbished church bells set to get a ringing endorsement
Fraser Coast Chronicle
St Paul's Church Bells Appeal Committee publicity officer Ian Miles said the restoration process cost more than $100,000. Valerie Horton. ST PAUL'S Church bells will be ringing in tune across Maryborough later this week when the newly restored bells ...

Friday, 7 December 2012

Bells of Limerick: Campanologists to perform in city
Limerick Leader
Every Monday night the bell ringers from the Redemptorists meet their Church of Ireland compatriots at St Mary's Cathedral for practice. Then they meet up again on Sunday and help each other out at 11.15am and 12 o clock in the two different churches...
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Thursday, 6 December 2012

One bell of a workout: Could bell-ringing fitness classes help you get in shape?
The new scheme has been organised by The Churches Conservation Trust, YMCAfit, and The Ringing Foundation to encourage bell-ringing groups across England to welcome new ringers by starting up classes. The aim is to help people get in better shape, ...
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Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Adelaide home to most high-tech bellringing centre in the world
The Adelaide Ringing Centre allows bell-ringers to practise and teach without using the cathedral's "real" bells. The $30,000 project connects eight "dumb" bells large weighted timber and steel wheels to computer software, speakers and headphones, ...
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Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Wylam church bell-ringing appeal proves successful
Journal Live
The last of the ringers were all aged between 60 and 83 and absence or illness meant alarm bellsrather than church bells would have been sounding. But three weeks after The Journal revealed that tradition was on the ropes in the lead-up to Christmas, ...
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Sunday, 2 December 2012

Tower captain leaves £120000 bellringing legacy
Diss Express
Albert Driver died in 2010 aged 95, and left money in his will to St Mary's Church in Redgrave to safeguard the future of bellringing in the village. After discovering the bequest, the Redgrave Church Heritage Trust sought planning consent to allow a ...
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