Tuesday, 27 January 2009

£1000 from power firm sparks church bell fund
Henley Standard - Henley,UK
The Shiplake Ringing Centre, which is based at the church, won the 2006 Founders Prize for the best centre in Britain. It is used to teach bell-ringers from ...
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Saturday, 24 January 2009

Ding dong over church bell
Manchester Online - Manchester,UK
A CHURCH has been told to tone down its bell ringing in a `ding dong' over noise. St Mary's, Leigh parish church, has been served with a noise abatement ...
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Noisy church bells silenced by complaints
Telegraph.co.uk - United Kingdom
A church's bellringers have been ordered to cut back on practice because the noise is annoying the neighbours. By Nigel Bunyan Bellringers at the parish ...
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Friday, 23 January 2009

Ringing in bells cash
Henley Standard - Henley,UK
The monthly draws will take place at St Helen’s Church bell-ringing practice, with half of the subscriptions paid in prize money and half donated to the ...
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Monday, 19 January 2009

Bells peal for Cambridge
Hindu - Chennai,India
In Cambridge itself, the university rolled out a grand celebration, including a spectacular light and bell-ringing show. Four churches in central Cambridge ...
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University marks its 800th year
BBC News - UK
... St Edward King and Martyr and St Andrew the Great, will take part in the mass bell-ringing and perform a piece by Clare College alumnus Phil Earis. ...
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Reporter takes ringing lesson
BBC Television - UKSouth Today learns how to ring the bell at a Hampshire church as part of its Going Out series.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Church to ring in Obama's inauguration with centuries-old bell ...
The Canadian Press - NEW YORKNEW YORK —
Barack Obama and his message of change will get a ringing endorsement on inauguration day with 12 "change ringing" bells at a church near ground ...
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Friday, 16 January 2009

NYC Church to Ring Bells for 3.5 Hours for Obama
Church Solutions - Phoenix,AZ,USA
The church’s bell-ringing to signify change is a fairly uncommon practice in the United States, but in England and Europe, church bells have rung for...
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Thursday, 15 January 2009

Bells ring out worldwide for anniversary
Cambridge Network - Cambridge,UK
A number of churches and bell-ringing groups in England have already agreed to take part. In the United States, the Cambridge Society of Sussex in ...
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NYC Church Plans Rare Full Bell Peal for Obama| Christianpost.com
Bell ringers Tony Furnivall, left, and Jeremy Bates, demonstrate how to ring the bells at Trinity Church in New York, Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2009. Each of the ropes hanging from the ceiling leads upwards to one of twelve different bells. ...
The Christian Post RSS Feed - http://www.christianpost.com/

Sentinel-Tribune | Your Community. On Paper. Online. - Change ...
(Photo caption: Bell ringers Tony Furnivall, left, and Jeremy Bates, demonstrate how to ring the bells at Trinity Church in New York, Tuesday. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig). » No Comments. There are no comments up to now. » Post Comment ...
Sentinel-Tribune - http://www.sent-trib.com/

NYC church plans rare bell ringing for Obama
NYC church plans rare bell ringing for Obama, NEW YORK - Barack Obama and his message of change will get a ringingendorsement on Inauguration Day from 12 bells at a church near ground zero.
azcentral.com | offbeat - http://www.azcentral.com/offbeat/

Ring the bells
stv.tv - UK
The practice of bell ringing, or Campanology, dates back to medieval times when the town bell was rung in the case of a fire or an impending attack. ...

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

NYC church plans rare `full peal' for Obama
Newsday - Long Island,NY,USA
He said there is a "logical or mathematical quality" to the 
bell ringing patterns that appealed to him as a lawyer. "It's something I will continue to do ...
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Monday, 12 January 2009

Trinity Church bells to ring in Obama presidency
Newsday - Long Island,NY,USAThe exact sound cannot be heard anywhere else in the country: Trinity has the only change-ringing tower - in which each bell is run individually - with 12 ...
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Saturday, 3 January 2009

Are you happy? Philip Earis, bell-ringer
guardian.co.uk - UK
I perform the English style of change ringing, which means the sound is not regular tune music, but involves ringing methods - sort of mathematical patterns ...
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