Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Bell ringer Albert Driver's £120000 legacy
BBC News
A man who rang the bells of a Suffolk church for more than 80 years has left £120,000 in his will to help them continue to ring. Albert Driver, who was 95 when he died in 2010, left the money to St Mary's Church in Redgrave near Diss. It will be used ...
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Monday, 26 November 2012

Time takes its toll on church bells
NW Evening Mail
However, the church's bell ringers are now looking forward to hearing them peal again. Mr Pollock said the PCC was appealing for support to get the bells, “that are the only ones in Barrow hung in that fashion” back operational. The tower of the Grade ...
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Eye: Bell ringer leaves £120000 in will

East Anglian Daily Times-10 hours ago
A DEDICATED bell ringer whose chimes were heard for 80 years has left £120,000 in his will to ensure his legacy is felt for years top come.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Bell-ringing ideal for toning up (From The Argus)
Forget running, rowing or cycling, a group of Brighton woman have discovered a new way to keep fit – by bell-ringing at their local church.

Friday, 23 November 2012

At this time of year news of church bellringing is drowned out by hundreds of "news" articles about Salvation Army volunteers ringing bells and collecting money in red kettles. This particular article is far more interesting than most!

Salvation Army Bell Driving Woman Mad
ABC News
By her calculation, she has been exposed to 1,400 hours of bell-ringing. "My customers complain about it," she tells ABC News. "They ask me how I possibly can stand it." In fact, she cannot. She has to wear ear plugs in the store to keep her sanity ...
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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Church in search of bell ringers

ITV News-7 hours ago
More than a century of village history could end at a church in Wylam if younger bell-ringers cannot be found. After 126 years of unbroken ...

Saturday, 10 November 2012

And here's the Huffington Post with a ridiculously overblown article cobbled together from reports in the real press. You'd think that 5 days after the event they would have had the time to get the facts straight. But no...

Helen Springthorpe, Bell Ringer, Nearly Dies While In Church Belfry (PHOTOS)
Huffington Post
Springthorpe, 58, a bell ringer at St Nicholas Church, in Bathampton, U.K., had to be rescued by firefighters after becoming tangled up and trapped 20 feet above the belfry floor during a practice session earlier this week, HuffPost UK reported ...
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Try bell ringing
This is Somerset
People who would like to try bell ringing and live in or around the parish of East and West Harptree are invited to Martin Sperring a call on 01761 221824. He would be pleased to hear from you. 0. 0. Digg · Reddit · Delicious · StumbleUpon · Tweet this ...
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Bell-ringer knocked out
Church Times
A NOVICE bell-ringer sparked a full-scale rescue when she was knocked unconscious after getting caught up in her rope and hauled off her feet. Rescue services took almost an hour to bring Helen Springthorpe to safety from the first-floor gallery in the ...
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Thursday, 8 November 2012

Christmas morning bells will not ring at Baldock church
Comet 24
The traditional ringing of six bells for the 8am service on Christmas Day at St Mary's the Virgin Church in Baldock will cease following a complaint made to North Herts District Council (NHDC). Revered Andrew Holford will ring a single bell at 8am for ...
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Cathedral bells ring out across the world
Worcester News
THE BELLS at Worcester Cathedral were heard on the other side of the world during a special service on Sunday. Bellringers from the city appeared via video link at Adelaide Cathedral, South Australia, during a dedication service to open its bellringing ...
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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

I was just a bit unlucky, says Bath woman caught up in freak bell-ringing accident
This is Bath
A woman knocked unconscious in a freak bell-ringing accident has said she was “just a bit unlucky” after her belfry ordeal. Helen Springthorpe, 58, only began ringing three months ago and admitted said she couldn't remember too much of her ordeal. ...
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Bath bell-ringer gets tangled in rope
ITV News
bell-ringer in Bath has been injured after she became tangled in the ropes. Helen Springthorpe had only been bell-ringing for six months. She was pulled up into belfry and was injured when she fell to the floor. Photo of Church in Bath Credit: ITV ...
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Novice bell-ringer, 58, in dramatic church tower rescue after becoming tangled ...
Daily Mail
Helen Springthorpe, 58, collapsed on to the bell-ringing gallery floor perched at the top of a steep and narrow spiral staircase in the church near Bath, Somerset. A team of 19 firefighters - including officers specially trained to rescue stranded rock ...
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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Bell-ringer saved after rope mishap
MK News
"A section of the bell-ringing gallery floor was lifted up and the woman was then safely lowered about 20ft to the ground, where she was taken into the care of ambulance staff who took her to hospital with a suspected pelvic injury." < Back. Reddit ...
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Rescue drama as woman bellringer entangled in rope in Bathampton Church

This is Bath - ‎8 hours ago‎
A bellringer was caught up in a rescue drama last night after becoming entangled in a rope at a church in Bathampton. Helen Springthorpe, 58, became entangled in the rope and was lifted and thrown around the bell tower at St Nicholas Church - on her first

Bellringer injured after getting ropes drag her up belfry

The Sun - ‎2 hours ago‎
A BELLRINGER was seriously injured after she was entangled in ropes and dragged 20ft up into a belfry. The woman, believed to be in her late 50s, was taking part in her regular bell-ringing practice when she suddenly shot into the air. She was dragged ...

Almighty ding-dong at bell-ringer's tangle

Telegraph.co.uk - ‎1 hour ago‎
As she recovered at home in Bath tonight, she described herself as “just a bit unlucky” and could recall very little of the incident. "I don't really remember very much about it," said the mother-of-one. "The other bell ringers all had a go because I am new.

Bell-ringer rescued after accident

Irish Independent - ‎45 minutes ago‎
A bell-ringer has spoken of the rescue drama she was caught up in after she knocked herself unconscious in a church belfry. Helen Springthorpe was lifted off the ground by the rope and landed awkwardly at the top of the church's spiral staircase.

Bathampton bell-ringer tangled in rope in belfry
BBC News
A bell-ringer became entangled in ropes and was knocked unconscious at a belfry near Bath.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Ding Tong! Tong village gets its church bells back at last
Bradford Telegraph and Argus
The six bells were removed from the tower at the church last September before being taken to John Taylor's Bell Foundry in Loughborough.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Cathedral bells go to meet their maker
The Southland Times
Earlier this month, the bells were shipped to the John Taylor Bell Foundry in Loughborough, Leicestershire, for repair. Ex-Cantabrian Murray Reynish and his ...

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Shenfield St Mary's Nicola is a new breed of bell ringer
This is Total Essex
BELL ringing is not just the domain of bookish types with a penchant for wearing socks with sandals. Just ask Nicola Stark, a 34-year-old with two small children who wants to open up the mysterious world of campanology to the young, the old, and even ...
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