Saturday, 29 November 2008

Taylor bells on TV
By jennie
At 5.15pm on Tuesday 25th November 2008 on BBC 2, the programme ‘Escape to the Country’ will feature some bellringing as St Marys Church, Kersey, Suffolk. The two trebles at Kersey were cast by Taylors in 1985 and the tenor is a 1969 Taylors ...
Taylor's Bells -

Ringing in half a century
Mrs Margaret Snyder (right) marked 50 years of bellringing with a quarter peal of 1277 changes at Newark Parish Church.
Newark Advertiser News Headlines -

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Liverpool bellringers smash world record
Liverpool Daily Post
THE bells rang out for Liverpool Cathedral on Saturday afternoon as a world record was broken by its ringing team. It took nearly five hours of continuous ringing to break the record for the heaviest eight-bell peal ever rung,

Monday, 17 November 2008

Liverpool Cathedral bell ringers aim for new world record
Liverpool Daily Post - Liverpool,England,UK
Ring master Len Mitchell and his daughter, Rachel, will be ringing the Tenor bell, the heaviest of the set, together. He said: “A full peal consists of ...
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Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Bell ringers say special thanks
Swindon Advertiser - Swindon,Wiltshire,UK
Now this weekend the town will be honoured further as bell ringers from all three services perform a quarter peal at St Bartholomew and All Saints Church on ...
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Monday, 10 November 2008

Camborne Parish Church Bell Ringing
Falmouth Penryn Packet - Falmouth,UK
THE Bell Ringing Team at Camborne Parish Church is being reformed. An experienced Tower Captain from Tuckingmill Church will be coming weekly to encourage ...
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Thursday, 6 November 2008

Remembrance services
Fakenham and Wells Times - Fakenham,England,UK
The half muffle bell ringing gives a normal ring followed by a muffled ring, sounding like an echo, as one half of the clapper inside the bell is covered by ...
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Time has finally taken its toll on bells now due for £50,OOO overhaul
Express & Echo - Exeter,England,UK
All four men are seasoned bell-ringers and have years of experience dismantling and erecting church bells. Ian, 58, who has been ringing for 40 years, ...
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