Thursday, 2 February 2012

Tower captain to stand down after 16 years
Northampton Chronicle & Echo
BELL-RINGERS at St Andrew's Church in Harlestone have thanked the tower captain, who is to stand down from the post after 16 years. Maureen Basford has taught manybell-ringers, including Helen Donald. Helen said: “We would like to thank Maureen for...
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1 comment:

HSchmidt said...

Thanks for posting this article and photo about Maureen Basford who was the tower captain of St Andrews church for many years. She has been treated in such an unchristian and unkind manner by being told she is no longer needed as a volunteer and verger, and has been pushed out of the church community where she spent so many years volunteering her time in the upkeep of the church. Shame on the leadership of the Church of England.